Pronunciation & Communication Course (PRONCOM)

Speak English faster, clearer and more naturally

CRICOS Course Code: 112307E

Pronunciation & Communication Course (PRONCOM)

Quick Details

Levels: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced
Duration: 5 weeks (minimum) or 10 weeks; Full-time 20 hours per week
Study Modes: Face to face on campus or Online (for COVID-affected learners)
Assessment: Formative (weekly) and summative (monthly)
Intakes: ??
Delivery Location: G05, Biomedical Building, 1 Central Ave, Eveleigh NSW 2015

Levels (Full Time)

LevelsEntry RequirementCEFR Exit LevelCourse Length
IntermediateSuccessful completion of Pre-intermediateB1-C110 weeks
Upper-IntermediateSuccessful completion of Pre-intermediateB1-C110 weeks
AdvancedSuccessful completion of Pre-intermediateB1-C110 weeks

The course uses a unique and revolutionary method known as B.B.R. founded upon 3 principles

PRONCOM - Pronunciation & Communication Course

B.B.R. Method

  • Blocking your old speaking habits in English | Because you use the sounds of your first language to say English words.
  • Building new muscle memory of new speaking habits | Because speaking a language is a physical skill just like playing the piano - repetition is key.
  • Rewiring or reprogramming your neural networks to process the language in a totally different way | Because you think in your first language and translate to English - it does not work.

Why you should learn English on our T.E.R.M



  • Words will start coming to you without effort.
  • No more mental freezes.
  • English finally becomes part of you; you will breathe it.



  • You will feel much more powerful and confident expressing your opinions, ideas and messages.
  • You will be proud of how you sound; not embarrassed.
  • You will also belong to a global community – sound international.



  • You will use the language, not just learn ABOUT it.
  • You will keep repeating until you stop making the mistake or at least understand why you’re making it and how to fix it.
  • People will see the difference in your English right away.



  • BBR method is based on practice not theory, just like sports, it requires physical training.
  • The BBR teacher will push you hard until you achieve your goal.
  • Your energy and motivation will only go up because improvements are real and the results are relatively quick to see.

PRONCOM Course Flyer


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